Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day One

Hello, and welcome to the Weightloss Guide for The Clueless!

Many people today want to lose weight for many different reasons. Some want to be supermodel skinny, some want to lose their baby fat, and some have to lose weight for medical reasons. No matter what category you fall under, this website is for you! I won't advertise diet pills or scams that won't work; I'll only give you help in achieving your weight loss goals.

"So," you may be asking yourself, "where do I begin?" The answer is simple: Stop drinking soda and start drinking more water. Soda has a lot of sugar and regular soda has a lot of calories that add up. Water has no sugar and no calories, so it's a perfect way to quench your thirst without the unnecessary calories. Drink water whenever you get hungry, too. The human body often times confuses hunger with thirst, so you may be eating when you really should be drinking water.

Another thing you can do when you start your diet is keep track of all the food you eat and your emotions when you eat them. Having a food diary really helps when you're on a diet because it makes you realize how much you're eating and how much of it you're eating.

Count how many calories you eat on a regular day, and subtract 500 calories from that amount. That will be your new caloric intake for a while. Since 3,500 calories = one pound, in six days you will have lost one pound just by changing your caloric intake.

You can't lose weight just by diet alone, so you have to incorporate exercise into your plan. You can start with just fifteen minutes of exercise a day and slowly work your way up to an hour every day. If you don't have the time to work out for an hour every day, try doing little things like taking the staris instead of the elevator or walking your dog around the block.

Don't skip meals. Believe it or not, skipping meals can actually make you gain weight instead of lose it. When you don't eat, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts using your muscle for energy instead of fat. This makes you gain weight because the less muscle you have, the slower your metabolism is. The slower your metabolism is, the more weight you gain.

If you want to increase your metabolism, start lifting weights. You don't have to start out with heavy weights, but just like with exercise, you should work your way up.

Look out for more tips on Day Two.


Anonymous said...

This is the first site I have come by that is not advertising stupid diet pills or the similar. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

It helps!

Anonymous said...

HEY I NEED some diet advice..... could you help me? my email is i would appreciate it... btw amazing job u help alot of people and i hope i am one of them

Sabrina said...

HI i have tried Weight Watchers (failing miserably) trying some things my mom did when she was younger, and it hasn't worked! i lose the weight no doubt and i exercise daily but i always gain it back! it's frustrating. anyway this look like it can help. please....please help me!!!! contact me at
thank you so much!!!!